The students from non-EU/EEA countries should purchase health insurance in their home country, before departure for the minimum sum of 30 000 Euro. According to the state health regulations foreigners (except for EU/EEA citizens, see below) have to pay for a medical consultation. The cost is then reimbursed by the health insurance company. More information can be found on: NFZ dobrowolne ubezpieczenie
When students do not have the insurance, they have to get it after arriving in Poland. To obtain health insurance
students can apply to a local branch of the National Health Fund.
In case of emergency, a student from EU member country staying temporarily in Poland is entitled to free health care with a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) issued in his/her country. It is advisable that the student has a copy of that document. The student is required to present this document along with official identification card directly to health care provider.
There is no academic health centre at our University. In case a student needs medical assistance, he/she will find full services at any medical or health care centre that has concluded a relevant contract with the National Health Found. In the registration student should mentioned that he possess National Insurance card and asks the doctor if he agrees to examine the student.
National Health Found: