

Guest lectures about Quantum States

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We encourage you to participate in a leactures given by Prof. Khrystyna Gnatenko from Ivan Franko Lviv University.  

Quantum States and Their Preparation with Quantum Programming

The lecture is suited for beginners' physics.
Quantum states of a single qubit will be considered. Basic one-qubit operations will be introduced, including NOT, Y, Z gates, Hadamard,
phase gates, and rotational gates (RX, RY, RZ). Their action on the basis states of a qubit will be presented. Quantum protocols for preparing one-qubit states will also be introduced. Two- and three-qubit gates will be discussed, including the controlled-NOT gate, the controlled-phase gate, the SWAP gate, and others. The properties of these gates and their effects on the basis states of qubits will be presented. The concept of parallelism in quantum computations will be introduced. Quantum supremacy will be discussed.

Lecture if taking place on the  18th of October 2024, at 12:00 in A-29 room 106 at Szafrana Street 4a. 

Concurrence of Two-Qubit Quantum States Quantum Teleportation

The lecture is suited for semi-advanced physics.
The concept of entanglement in quantum states will be examined. A measure of entanglement, known as concurrence, will be introduced. The concurrence of quantum states will be calculated analytically. A quantum protocol for studying concurrence will be constructed and explained. The teleportation of quantum states will be considered. A detailed scheme of the teleportation process will be explained. The realization of teleportation through quantum programming will be discussed, and a quantum protocol for the teleportation of a one-qubit state will be presented.

Lecture if taking place on the  21st of October 2024, at 11:00 in A-29 room 106 at Szafrana Street 4a. 

From classical to quantum computers. A quantum computer is a device that uses the quantum properties for calculation.

The lecture will be given by Prof. Volodymyr Tkachuk from Ivan Franko Lviv' University.

Lecture if taking place on the  24th of October 2024, at 10:00 in A-29 room 110 at Szafrana Street 4a. 


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This project is co-financed by the European Union through the European Social Fund, Program Operacyjny Widza Edukacja Rozwój 2014-2020 "Nowoczesne nauczanie oraz praktyczna współpraca z przedsiębiorcami - program rozwoju Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego", POWR.03.05.00-00-Z014/18